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Cute white sheep is trying anal sex in the farm

5 years ago
16min 47sec
320 949
80% (299 votes)
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  • 2 months ago

    I showed this guy I was watching these sheep for a nativity overnight one time my sisters homemade porn and showed him some of her dirty panties I had with me, I let him sniff those panties crotch and instantly he changed into a different person. He told me he was a virgin and actually had a crush on m6 sister. I let him have access to my home videos of her playing in her bathing suit, i told him that if he would keep what we did a secret so would I and I would show him something special. I had copied all my sister's private videos she had made of herself and I showed them to the guy that night and we spent the whole night crossdressing in her panties with a hole cut out in rhe crotch for our penises to go through and me and him picked two little female sheep and tied them where they couldn't go anywhere and me and him used KY jelly to lubricate the sheep's vaginas we just took our time with them, we had all night alone with them and I intended to get all of the use out of these little rented animals as I could. We got a laptop and set it up between us and then sat behind each sheep and got ready to begin fucking the sheep

  • 7 months ago

    Damn he's cute! I love finding a video of a dad filming his son fucking an animal.

  • 8 months ago

    So hot, pussy sounded and looked so good.

  • 1 year ago

    not cumming inside is such a waste, im jealous that sheep is so obedient

  • 1 year ago

    Got to agree with some comments.
    What a waste to shoot your semen in the air. That belonged inside her. Sheep cunt feels great. It's nice and tight and their temperature can be as high as 103 so you're really getting a hot fuck. I've had zoo experience and felt it was my duty to reward her by dumping my load as deep into her as possible.

  • 2 years ago

    The dude is fucking hot AF! Always wanted to do a vid with him and a couple others... Need to find some mid-20s farm freeks! Lol!

  • 2 years ago

    How could you fuck her for that long and NOT cum inside??

  • 2 years ago

    Ani grei am futut ,oi ,vaci ,capre ,scroafe ,iepe și mărgărite. Și de asemenea ,m_ a futut câini și un cal .Acum sunt în Spania și caut un roman cu aceleași veleități.

  • 3 years ago

    I want that boy so bad my cock is twitching

  • 3 years ago

    Love to fuck it with you
