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5 years ago
5min 41sec
116 661
84% (220 votes)
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  • 4 weeks ago

    This girl clearly was not doing this because she likes to fuck but because she’s desperate for money. No turn on whatsoever. This is more like watching a girl get abused. Sad and not a turn on in any way. You should be ashamed.

  • 4 years ago

    great hump fuck... at 20 seconds and again at 1:20

  • 5 years ago

    Want to fuck her after his knot is able to be pulled out after he's filled her full of cum I'd share her with a experienced friend after dogs done with her pussy she's petite late 40's 110lbs clean conservative and tight pussy excellent pH ball her pussy loves to eat my cum with no prob in seant or taste even if she's not showered in between I'll put $ on it you can shoot ur load in her pussy one am go about your day have her sit on your face that night and suck her pussy open and you won't ever know you filled it leaking out a short time before with her left to not shower or wash it out I am interested in a friend to help me in getting her fucked by a dog knoted full of cum then share her used pussy with that friend

  • 5 years ago

    Want to get some assistance in helping me get my wife's pussy knotted for her first time want to be sure it goes thru the first try with a experienced dog and an experienced owner as it's been a long time coming getn her to agree to trying it don't want it to be a joke and leave a sour taste in her mouth in return not wanting to try it again my worst fear i get so close to watching her get her pussy ripped apart as the knot grows til shes unable to stretch apart any further to allow his swelling knot to tear out of her pussy not even one more time before he's locked inside her continually swelling and stretching her walls beyond what she could have ever imagined he'd swell to in size so beyond her comfort limit each pulse of his knot swelling sending her the sensation and pain of her pussy stretched in ways not thought possible starting to be ripped by over stretching around the swelling knot locked sealed inside her panic plus pain and excitement of having no control to do a thing except go with it the sensation that she's also now being pumped full of his cum and under pressure of his knot filling any available space for anything to go especially out of her with his knot sealed inside deep against the inside of her vagina opening swelled to it's widest and pulled to it's tightest against the inside of her opening sealed to airtight in or out of her leaving the end of his shaft forced deep into her womb where it's shooting hot large squirts of cum directly into her womb emiedietly left to overfilled with no place for the cum shooting inside able to accomulate ever inch of her already over filled unable to accommodate any more flesh or fluid sealed inside under pressure of the hot cum pumped inside every surge of him swelling soon is forced into her womb leaving her to absorb the cum and her bellie swollen to noticable size as it's forced to absorb the huge amounts of cum pressured inside to relieve the pressure of it being pumped inside with no where to go except for the body to absorb it

  • 5 years ago

    super slut, not sure what the 15 minutes of masterbating was all about?

  • 5 years ago

    Super Cute Little Dog Slut... MORE...

  • 5 years ago


  • 5 years ago

    Would like to ate her out after

  • 5 years ago


  • 5 years ago

