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Pretty chicks involve animals in their sexual lives

6 years ago
20min 05sec
149 544
82% (296 votes)
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  • 1 year ago

    Huuum q delícia de pepeka, parabéns ao porquinho rs

  • 2 years ago

    Im Gedenken an eine Königin !

  • 3 years ago

    bodil johnnsen

  • 3 years ago


  • 5 years ago

    The one thing I say to you all is that this isn't porn. This is a very good short movie, where everything is leading you to a
    perfectly normal conclusion: she's alone in a farm, doing something she likes a lot, and animals are her passion. Not a metaphor, It's her world and if we're there to judge, then we are not invited. Every time she looks directly at us trough the camera, she says exactly that. Great short, loved it, my congratulations to the ones who wrote, directed, choose the music, and specially for the acting; bold, brave but above ll, true and sincere. Fernando Palma
