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The dirtiest females zoohiles are banging with dogs

6 years ago
29min 48sec
142 032
76% (371 votes)
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  • 2 years ago

    Dismal doggy dick dildo action with 2 lesbian looking women.
    Another lame zoo vid imo

  • 2 years ago

    RAMME, what the fuck are you on ?
    That was the biggest load of dribble that I've seen someone write on here.
    I needed to take a few paracetamol for the headache i got from reading all that nonsense

  • 3 years ago

    Fantastic cock suckers and great cocks. Really hot video, I'm so fucking hard I wish they could suck me now.

  • 3 years ago

    it was the last time that I had sex with those dogs first and last time I never got back to you again but I want it I was only young so I was renting ended up renting a house house next door never had anybody one afternoon I heard some people talking down the back and I must have come there to rent the house what you buy I wasn't sure they never heard them again for a week I would found a site they had a dog I would masturbate all the time about 3 weeks later I seen the truck pull up and the people walked in to the house opened it up and they started to feel it with furniture a lot older than me next day when they bought the second lot I bought a trailer they pulled up sitting on the back seat with issues dog f*** I never seen a dog to speak it was like I don't even know the name I can pull it was huge is it out the car and followed them in side I can see from my side window I got horny straight away they went out the back to let the dogs out I walk through the house I could hear them it was an older property so how to spell dispense some of it was cracked some of it had chips out of it and kneel down I find the shed at the back of my property and looked into their yard and I can see this huge dog walking around I got my cock out I started yet myself off fantasising you never come over to my side of the yard I shut my load real quick I've been so fucken horny fantasizing about that I never introduced myself to them I stayed pretty much to myself I go down the afternoon I looked through the fence and the dog will start to come down stand on the other side of the fence there was a small hole in the fence with something object is broken in the past about the size I suppose the 50-cent piece I can look through the hole I could hear the dog sniffing in your Aussie on the other side he would stay there as long as over 1 afternoon late night I walk down the back to have a fiddle I'm in shed and I get here in scuffling on the other side and now it down to look through the whole I can see him next living and breathing I'm so f****** horny I wanted another dog up me I just wanted booking a cock up my f****** ass and I wanted some come help attract a small how am I started to chip away at the whole need a bigger they cut it about the size I tennis ball I couldn't quite get my hand in there and now the dog sniffing defence stuck my fingers through electableI stuck my finger in my ass and I stuck my fingers through the fence and elected f*** it felt good so f****** stuck my fingers in my ass again for my fingers through and he kept looking f*** f*** I was so horny so f****** stuck my fingers in my ass and I rubbed it over my cock and I stuck my cock through your things and he started to lick it f*** his big f****** tongue wrapped around my cock need it for a while until you f****** sucked up all my f****** smell fucken made me hard I kept finger in my fucken ass wiping on my cock and your f****** get licking me I f****** blue my f****** bolt through the fence f*** I come so f****** hard he just suck me off f*** it was horny but I loved it back three times at night but my cock through the fence and he left that every f****** time was like he was waiting for me fuk I started pissing through the fence is well and you fucken started laughing my fucken piss while I was pissing f*** you was a dirty dog f*** make a scene when I know it down some time that he had a f****** huge rod but I never knew how big f*** that I can see that was sticking out he was horny he wanted to fucken drive that f****** thing in me I was on the other side of the things Buck I stuck my Cox with a fence all the time every f****** night he suck my f****** cock he f****** licked my f****** cock f*** also have to do is take my pants off and you could smell my ass and you've done it come through the hole in the things I stick my cock for f*** and f****** soon as I started precum he'll eat more more more he almost of the state where we had my cock in your throat f*** lucky was waiting for my f****** hot come f*** he was dirty I sort he was dirty as one night I was so fucken excited I got the hammer and I made it so I can get my hands through the fence and I started to pat him like you just padding I could only get up to my elbow I started a painting and I've got my hand in his back but I couldn't get up he was too high I could just touch the back of his leg I'm not I couldn't help myself a cracked offences will be higher I was able to get my arms room or iPad at him and I sleep my hand down underneath ING and I felt his big Rod I'll f*** and we shoes they went it it's not straight out I can feel it come out it was hot warm hard safe working hard a jerk tonight f****** squirting f****** that it was Buchan buch and some my arm was down the f****** fence was dripping through the fucken whole ass f*** he come everywhere blackfin f*** this cock with huge a never felt a cock like that on the dog before it was some booking massive I checked the f*** out of it f*** we f****** he sucked me and I wank you for over a month that was our sing I go down and you lick my cock f*** I stick my hands feel not jerky f****** hard Rod while f*** and we come I'll f*** you f*** it was awesome f*** it be pleased each other I went down my night I've been drinking I felt like a s*** I f****** put a dress on I f****** black f****** skirt on and I went down and this night I took down a chair and I f****** still on the chair over the fence and he looked at me and he sat up and I looked down and his cock with huge he looked at me Anaconda thinks I knew that gone out nowwith a skirt on and my whole a f****** fill the holes KY gel my f****** whole sloppy and open they jumped over the fence f*** straight away is starting to sniff me a f****** went straight to my need any f****** man on my god my whole so open with the kygl I took him but f*** he was I was almost like he was pushing me along the brown with his big f****** cock and he let his logo I've never had so much come squirted up my f****** ass in one shot he just f****** let go I can't I never seen a dog squirters like that it wasn't a vicious booking pounding buddy pumps and he just f****** squirted he stood there like I was stuck to his cock he held me there and I'll give feeling pulsating squirting he filled my f****** whole write-up f*** he was f****** gentle I thought he'd be f****** crazy he was a big dog he was so gentle bok bok I turned around and I start your work myself off I was so f****** horny I can feel is come running out of my ass he started to lick my nuts and lick my cock and taste in you I was on the booking virgin coming f*** and I f****** let go and he looked at all he loved he licked my nuts but I can talk all of my f****** load read last f****** bit of f*** god f*** I look down he was still hard I wanted to repay name a f****** did something but not done before straight out a meltdown stuffed his cock love like he didn't even stand up he just sat there we just great big f****** thing and I sucked I sucked and sucked they could taste him f*** and all the sudden he just shot his booking load buck it over well with my mouth huge amounts come he was tasting I become I f****** dog Hall I f****** loved dog come I started to swallow where I sucked Temora sucked the more it come just dog had so much come inside him he was like a f****** tap I drunk him I drunk is nuts try that night he empty every bit did he had into me I'll f*** hard I didn't want to go back over the fence I just wanted to stay there with his cock up me so f****** big so f****** hard it was a monster truck I loved it like I wanted his come just more and more of his come f*** I went back over the fence because I thought I didn't come home yeah it was horny f*** I was exhausted ass opened up shoes it wasn't for two days to hell and back down then the longest I've been away he been sucking my cock and I've been waking love and Lee every night it was your thing and went down I could hear him in dissipation fuk what's jumping up on the thanks like he was saying to me come over come over fuk f*** I feel like a slug I started to f****** dress up a hore I have a g-string yours how to add a g-string on and I f****** had a skirt onI jumped over the f****** fence and I sucked his cock I didn't even let you f****** I sucked in f****** my dear and let me doing any f****** squirted you f****** Rod he was the horn is dog that ever come across huge but it gentle f****** dog park and he had so much come I don't know what to this day I don't know my dog breeds but his head was bigger than the football and pull mastiff or something he was working huge but this cocky his cock was f****** Maxim I thought it f****** rip me apart but he was gentle he loved it well f*** I become his f****** all f*** f*** for the next five nights in a row I just sucked him off every night I come over the fence we just get on and I wake my cock and Less stuck here then I f*** it took his load I couldn't get enough of you come I couldn't get enough I was drinking it f****** down and he could deliver it I can suck the f*** out of his cock and get as much f****** comes I wanted it kept flowing f****** he would just sit there and Ped and your big f****** nuts bouncing it out and use delivering f****** unbelievable low f****** come f*** f*** it was horny I feel like fuk I just sucked him f*** I become a fucken' c********* f*** hungry come drinking dog c********* f*** it turns me on buck after I to suck you off and wake myself off f*** f****** he just sit there and watch me jerk off he just watch me my cock and he weight and he knew exactly when I was going to explode lucky could smell it and in f****** pretty f****** nips straight onto my cock and he take it he was sucking me off now f*** he was waiting for my f****** load meanest dog had some sort of sexual connection and was unbelievable it was unbelievable fuct each other six months around The clock every night it got so bad every night let it do f*** fucken hell I couldn't believe I couldn't believe it it was almost like a fucken' fantasy or something I know when you did a dog has become so intensive and wait for you and walk down there and you'll be sitting there waiting any be horny and his big cock at the fucken hang it out of his she been waiting for you to come over the fence and when I come over the fence can you sit there and look at me and f*** to say go down on me and he wait for me to go dinner he never wants ram that cock down my throat he just f****** took the head f*** I was awesome f*** so f****** horny so f****** already alphabet we just lost in having anal sex I don't know can't believe that that happened fuk Park then one night I fucken wanted more I want it up me again f*** I need the f****** so lost in sucking off f*** they dressed up friend that night I put a tight little black girl and a nice little juice drink I come over the fence f****** sat down alongside him and I I went his cock made him hard turned over a gift it on my little skirt and I f****** portway g-string to one side and my ass was wet I don't know if things change but now it was like my ass like getting ready for it was slimy and wet here is gently just walk over the top of any with huge he didn't even have to grab me he just stood down gently had big cock we come to my ass and I would reach back and hold that big hard f*** her that stick a part of that f****** hold my ass and he would slide it up me he become the ultimate f*** he f****** sliding up me and he knew what I like he would push it hard up me and hold it there holding lucky had me on the end of his cock he was so big I loved it I just f****** f****** loved f****** pushing me big f****** thing I love about Saturday I would start to move up and down on this f****** big cock and he just stand there and let me f*** it me my ass f*** and then he would just explode it was the most awesomest feeling this red hot booking come just parking fill me so much of it I fucken so much f****** come ill just fill not my f****** ass fill me just fill me up like I was going to explode and then I make a feel it running down past you cock down the f****** leg I loved it fuk it was awesome fuk

  • 3 years ago

    the cumshot is fuckin hot

  • 4 years ago

    That shit looks great

  • 5 years ago

    Wow!!!! I got so Aroused watching this, I had to Suck my Own Dog's Cock till he was Coming.

  • 5 years ago


  • 5 years ago

    When can I

  • 5 years ago

    Wats these ladies name
