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  • RuffRuff's Page

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    Name: RuffRuff's Page Other people have watched John_Doe's videos: 0 items
    Joined: 5 hours ago Last Login: 5 hours ago
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    Public videos uploaded: 0 Videos Country: Netherlands
    Gay for people, bisexual for animals. I'm 39 years old, and since my mid twenties the absolute BEST sex I have had is with groups of gay guys fucking dogs! Initially I would only do male dogs, but soon learned the amazing connection you can have with dirty-minded mates in fucking slutty bitches, the ultimate male bonding: a hot guy holding open his bitch's cunt so I can pound it!! Though bottom versatile for human males, when it comes to animals I just want to fucking POUND their cunts and arses as hard as I can. Have also been know to suck a throbbing doggy cock now and then... and once even rimmed a mates dog's butt... really need to be in the right headspace for that one!! don't hate me, but I also love a little roughness, really manhandle that little slut, grab it, slap it around a bit. I generally can't bring myself to initiate it, but once a big muscly buddy was holding his bitch open and I was fucking,,, he started slapping... then punching... the CHOKING the little fucktoy. I didn't plan to like it but had the biggest orgasm up her cunt that I can remember. stallions and mares get me hot too, but am a city boy, so have only explored a mare cunt briefly once. but a bucket cunt is on my bucket list... wanna jam my fist up one! send me a dm to connect. not here for aimless chatting, but would like to know if you and I have something in common, and maybe you like my likes or pics. Sorry, yet another user with no original vid content to share, but I curate and repost and like with real discernment. Cheers bitches, Rob x

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