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An Introduction To Sex With Dogs (2022)

1 year ago
37min 22sec
115 728
91% (396 votes)
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  • 2 months ago

    They could only make another video just like this, but discussing the benefits, women and horses specifically male and female horses Cause I have seen other videos of women having sex With a horse male, and I have seen other videos guys having sex with horse females, and I have seen it at times where the mail gets Sexually attracted by the lady, he starts to drop his penis other videos where the horse female is sexually attracted to the guy and she will lift up her tail, and she will begin to urinate and open and close her pussy

  • 3 months ago


  • 6 months ago

    Sehr anschaulich und verständlich!

  • 6 months ago

    They should have a video for men, too.
    If you want some helpful hints on how I did it successfully you can message me. I answer everyone.

  • 8 months ago

    Ein seeeeehr cooles Video!

  • 8 months ago

    Sehr informativ und viele geile Schwänze

  • 9 months ago

    In the final scene shown in slo-motion you can see the power and determination of the stud to properly breed the bitch. His balls swinging, cock thrusting, sperm injected deep inside to end with the flow of semen from her filled cunt.
    I want to be there when he pulls out and clamp my mouth over her vaginal orifice to suck and drink down the sperm that floods out with all her vaginal mucus blended in. What a delicious cocktail.

  • 12 months ago

    Perfetto, ottimo..... Più donne praticano questo e più c'è da divertirsi anche per noi maschi :D

  • 1 year ago

    I love watching this video for her sexy voice, the graphic display and the embedded videos.

  • 1 year ago

    Great, now do one for male human/ female dog
