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Training part 2

2 years ago
0min 23sec
16 171
80% (10 votes)
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  • 1 month ago

    Fuck. My puppy isn't old enough to lick stuff off my clit and she keeps nibbling on it lmao. I can't get enough of these vids while I wait tho

  • 1 year ago

    This girl is amazing I had the pleasure to fuck her in person many times . I introduce her to this and now she loves it

  • 1 year ago

    That is exactly the push I needed to finally get my dalmatian to lick my dick. I'm home alone with her for the next week and I've been fucking the jar of peanut butter staring at her pussy lmaoo! I thought I was just horny but I guess it really is a calling

  • 1 year ago

    Look at him go what a champ!! Hell be fucking you in no time and you'll have the perfect cock waiting every night

  • 1 year ago

    God when I put peanut butter on my clit for the first time for Buttons I was basically humping his face trying to get him to lick. I remember seeing strings of my wetness flying around from the sheer excitement, even though it took him at least a month to actually do it!! Good job girl!! Welcome to the best club

  • 1 year ago

    Peanut butter

  • 1 year ago

    What is that you are spreading on you?
