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Dog with beautiful girls

3 years ago
23min 43sec
500 738
76% (969 votes)
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  • 4 months ago

    Nun, es scheint mir, das das "Liebhabertraining" bei den aufregend schönen und erotischen Damen gerade erst begonnen hat. Das wilde hin und her und die ungeschikten Abweisungen verunsichern den lernenden "Liebhaber" ganz und gar.
    Ich denke, den Rüden, der sich nicht ungeschikt anstellt, einfach einmal machen lassen, bis er selbst merkt wo seine Penisspitze wilkommen ist und er dann auch seinen Knoten voll entfalten kann.
    Bis sich diese attraktiven sexy Damen an dem strammen Penis mit oder ohne Knoten erfreuen dürfen, wird es wohl noch viele Stunden ruhigen aber intensiven Trainings bedürfen.
    Ich wünsche Erfolg und würde mich über das Teilen neuer Videos mit intensiven Penetrationen dieser erregenden Muschi's freuen.

    Well, it seems to me that the "lover training" has just begun with the excitingly beautiful and erotic ladies. The wild back and forth and the clumsy rejections completely unsettle the learning “lover”.
    I think that the male dog, who doesn't act clumsy, should just let him do it once until he realizes where the tip of his penis is welcome and he can then fully develop his knot.
    It will probably take many hours of quiet but intensive training before these attractive, sexy ladies can enjoy the tight penis with or without knots.
    I wish you success and would be happy to share new videos with intense penetrations of these exciting pussies.

  • 9 months ago

    Wish I was there

  • 9 months ago

    Rafa huye!

  • 11 months ago


  • 1 year ago

    Onde vejo os vídeos desta model

  • 1 year ago

    Tem mais video

  • 1 year ago

    Tem mais video

  • 1 year ago

    Tem outros vídeos dela??
    Onde estão??

  • 1 year ago

    Melhor vídeo, faz mais

  • 1 year ago

    Belo trabalho
